A Measure of Success

My version of success is very different from anyone else that maybe I’ve ever met or who has modeled success to me.

We have been shown by society that success is marriage, money, house, car… My version of success right now, and I feel very successful. I live with three other women in a house on the west coast of Ireland. I’m surfing on my days off and then I’ll get a call to play for 2000 people in Glasgow. And, I’ll go and I’ll play that gig, and it’s Freedom! It’s great!

To me yes, capital gains and having that influx of income uh… I want to be a bougie babe! Like yes! I want money but like I know that that’s coming. I’ve always known that that’s coming and I understand that the vision that I have it will end up in that.

Right now, to the outsider, yeah I’m broke a lot of the time but I’m actually not like but then I’ll have a gig come in for 10 grand, you know, like is it… would… how do we measure this? I’m getting by. I can pay my rent. I can live and, yes, that’s the Baseline, but I know that what I’m doing is setting me up to have an influx of income down the road. That will be great and be and give me stability in a way that I nee

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